Recently I surveyed a group of my Christian friends and asked, “What is one part of Christian life you wish were easier?”

Thirty people responded, offering insight into their spiritual experience. I reformulated their responses as basic questions about the Christian life. They center on ten topics:

How can I better trust God through hardship and uncertainty?

What does God want me to do?

How can I understand the Bible more clearly and help others understand it?

How can I keep Jesus at the center of my life?

How can I control my affections and be more thankful and loving toward God?

How can I be more faithful to pray, to be at church, and to avoid sin?

How can I be like Christ all the time and prioritize as he would?

How can I support God’s work in the lives of others?

How do I share the gospel?

How do I connect deeply with other Christians?

Do these questions connect with you?

They do with me. These are the things I wonder about and worry over.

From feedback such as this, I have a good sense of what to write about next. I will be working to show what Scripture says about each of these.

Do you strongly connect with one of these questions? Please share about it in the comments below. I would love to help point you to the answers in Scripture.